Message of Raja Pervez Ashraf Prime Minister of Pakistan On World Population Day (July 11, 2012)
Pakistan joins the global community in observing the World Population Day today. The purpose of observing this Day is to highlight the mismatch between escalating population and diminishing resources and draw attention of the societies at large to the dangers increasing population poses to the countries.
Population explosion forms an important component in the development narrative. The theme acquires all the more urgency in view of the economic meltdown, increasing job cuts, environmental degradation and natural calamities.
Pakistanis the sixth most populous country in the world today. For quite some time past, the country has been hit hard by natural calamities like earthquake in 2005 and unprecedented floods in 2010 and 2011. The peculiar circumstances the country has been stuck up in such as energy deficits and security problems have taken a heavy toll on the development needs of the country. Add to this the prospect of high population growth rate and situation warrants a serious consideration. This points to the imperative of creating a balance between the available resources and population growth.
The selection of this year’s theme i.e. availability of reproductive health services is most appropriate as it focuses on the women rights and their centrality in stemming the tide of population growth.
I am pleased to state that Shaheed Mohatrama Benazir Bhutto was a powerful advocate of women empowerment and supported their right to avail themselves of reproductive health services. During her stay in office, she took path-breaking pro-women initiatives to provide basic healthcare to womenfolk living in far-flung and remote areas. The induction of Lady Health Workers by her government was a major step in the direction of providing healthcare and reproductive services to them. Her vision for women empowerment continues to guide the present government in its pro-women policies.
While observing this Day, it is important that efforts are made in a concerted manner to raise awareness about the reproductive health services for womenfolk. There is a need to make investment in this critical area. The provincial governments have huge responsibility in this regard after the devolution of health departments under the 18th Constitutional Amendment. The democratic government is committed to the agenda of Population and Development.