Consular Service | Fee |
Power of Attorney | US 1000 LKR |
Attestation of Documents | US 500 LKR |
Attestation of Commercial Documents | 500 LKR |
Renunciation Certificate Form X | 630 |
Registration Certificate Form S | No Fees |
S/No. | Type of Document | Requirements | Fee |
1 | Power of Attorney (PoA) |
Applicant’s presence in person 2 copies of the typed POA Original Passport/NICOP One Photocopy of the passport of executer, attorney and witnesses. Two recent passport-size photographs with white background of executant Passport with resident visa Copy of CNIC of Attorney Copies of CNIC of witnesses E-mail address/ mobile numbers of executant, attorney and witnesses |
USD 1000 |
2 | Digital Power of Attorney | Please visit for all details. | USD 36 – 126 |
3 | Educational certificates issued by BISE |
Original Certificate duly attested by IBCC and MoFA Pakistan One Photocopy of the certificate Only Blood Relatives can get attestation on behalf of the applicant. One Photocopy of Passport, CNIC and resident visa |
500 LKR |
4 | Certificates of technical skills issued by institutions in Pakistan |
Original Certificate duly attested by NAVTTC and MoFA Pakistan One Photocopy of the certificate Only Blood Relatives can get attestation on behalf of the applicant. One Photocopy of Passport, CNIC and resident visa |
500 LKR |
5 | Degrees issued by educational institutions or universities in Pakistan |
Original Degree duly attested by HEC and MoFA Pakistan One Photocopy of the Degree Only Blood Relatives can get attestation on behalf of the applicant. One Photocopy of Passport, CNIC and resident visa |
500 LKR |
6 | Police Character Certificates |
Only available for nationals of Punjab, Islamabad, Balochistan, and Kashmir Required documents: – Identity Card (CNIC) front and back (JPEG format, max 1MB) – Pakistani Passport (First, Second & Last page, JPEG format) – Copy of permanent or temporary visa stamped on passport – Online form submission via email Processing time: At least 25 days |
USD 10 |
7 | Gift Undertaking |
Applicant must be an overseas Pakistani gifting the vehicle to a family member/Blood Relative. Applicant’s presence is mandatory. Required documents: – Original Passport and a colored photocopy – Colored copies of Exit/Entry stamps (to prove more than 700 days abroad) – Copy of CNIC of recipient – Photocopy of Passport, CNIC, and resident visa |
USD 4 per page |
8 | Affidavits |
2 copies of the typed affidavit Original Passport or NICOP 1 Photocopy of passport and resident visa |
USD 4 |
9 | Marriage Registration Certificate (MRC), Divorce Registration Certificate (DRC), Birth Registration Certificate (BRC) |
Original certificate duly attested by MoFA Pakistan Physical presence of any of the parents/couple required |
500 LKR |
10 | All Commercial Documents (Laboratory Certificates, Inspection Certificates, Certificate of Good Practice, etc.) |
An extra copy of the document A copy of DNI Covering Letter Payment Receipt |
LKR 500 |